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16/09/2023 | Uganda Prisons Service Delegation's Return Visit and Experience at Galilee Institute: Correction Facilities Management and ICT

16/09/2023 | Uganda Prisons Service Delegation's Return Visit and Experience at Galilee Institute: Correction Facilities Management and ICT

In September, following a successful initial training experience in January, another distinguished delegation from Uganda Prisons Service (UPS) underwent training in Israel. Under the leadership of Mr. Robert Munanura, Assistant Commissioner General and Director of Productions and Engineering, this second delegation embarked on a meticulously crafted course with a multifaceted agenda.

From left to right: Mr Ron Gertner Course Director, Mr Robert Munanura (UPS),
Mr Guy Wolf (CEO GIMI)

Their aim was to enhance correctional facility management and ICT proficiency, embracing innovative approaches drawn from the Israeli Prisons Service. They attained proficiency in diverse subjects including self-defence, prioritizing inmate rehabilitation, and effectively addressing issues like radicalization, contraband smuggling, and the integration of advanced technology for more efficient prison management.

The training imparted a wealth of knowledge and practical insights into modern correctional practices, advanced ICT systems, and innovative security measures. Armed with these newfound skills and strategies, the officers of UPS are well-equipped to enhance correctional facility management and security within Uganda's prisons.

In terms of personal enrichment, the delegation immersed themselves in Israeli culture and history, forging cross-cultural bonds and friendships. Experiencing religious, cultural, and historical facets added a personal dimension to their journey, fostering a deeper understanding of the world and promoting global connections.

This renewed collaboration between UPS and Galilee Institute showcases the power of international cooperation in addressing complex challenges and fostering mutual understanding.


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