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A Water Management Pioneer: The Inspiring Journey of Mr. Sékou Sangaré

A Water Management Pioneer: The Inspiring Journey of Mr. Sékou Sangaré

Water management has become a significant global issue, especially due to the increasing water stress in many regions. In this article, we will shed light on the role of the State of Israel as a pioneer in water management and share the experience of Mr. Sékou Sangaré from the Republic of Guinea, who chose Galilee Institute to acquire the knowledge, tools, and innovative ideas necessary for his own agricultural project.

Israel's Expertise in Water Management

Israel is often cited as an exemplary model in water management. Despite limited water resources, the country has overcome these constraints through a combination of innovative techniques, advanced technologies, and effective policies.

Among Israel's notable achievements are seawater desalination, the reuse of treated wastewater for agricultural purposes, and the establishment of a sophisticated water resource management system.

Israel is now the largest user of recycled wastewater for agriculture among OECD member countries: over 87% of wastewater effluents are reused for farming. Israel's five desalination plants are among the most efficient in the world, supplying more than 80% of the country's domestic urban water.

Why Mr Sangare Chose to Train at Galilee Institute

Mr. Sangaré, a trained rural engineering expert, just retired from ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States), where he was Commissioner in charge of Agriculture, Environment, and Water Resources. However, his commitment to agricultural development does not end there.

He inherits a family farm and nurtures the ambitious project to expand it further, providing employment opportunities to youth and women, combating poverty, and supplying agricultural products to nearby cities.

In 2022, he registered for the programme on Sustainable Agribusiness in Era of Climate Change at Galilee Institute. Convinced of the need to deepen his understanding of agricultural management, he decided to continue his training in March 2023 by participating in the programme on Integrated Water Resources Management.

Mr. Sékou Sangaré with Dr. Joseph Shevel, President of GIMI in March 2023 in Nazareth

Mr. Sangaré shares his enriching experience at the Galilee Institute and explains how the programme provided him with key insights to manage his community agricultural development project. He believes that the training helped him comprehend different strategies to mobilize a community around his ambitious endeavour.

He highlights the importance of rainwater collection and stormwater runoff, as well as the efficient exploitation of aquifers to maximize water usage. In Israel, he gained a thorough understanding of irrigation techniques, including sprinkler irrigation and drip irrigation. Equipped with this expertise, he can now accurately select the most suitable irrigation method for the specific needs of each crop to be developed.

These practical insights have strengthened his vision and ability to implement effective and sustainable agricultural solutions, consequently, this will help his community grow.

An Inspiring Journey and Knowledge Sharing

Water management is a global challenge that demands innovative approaches and unprecedented international cooperation. Mr. Sékou Sangaré's inspiring journey perfectly illustrates the crucial importance of sharing knowledge and expertise to address water management challenges and implement enduring solutions.

Galilee Institute offers you access to an exceptional platform to learn, collaborate, and exchange ideas with world-renowned experts in the fields of agriculture, environment, and water management.

To learn more about our upcoming training courses in agriculture, environment, and water management, follow this link: https://www.galilcol.ac.il/Agriculture%2C_Environment_%7Cfamp%7C_Water


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