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60% of National Wastewater Reused for Agriculture

60% of National Wastewater Reused for Agriculture

We have an impressive story to share with you, about a national water company that treats wastewater and reuses about 90% of it. 60% of the high quality treated effluents are used for agriculture and meet all required standards for unlimited irrigation.

It has set a world record in water reuse, surpassing second place by far (Spain, with 20% of effluents reused).

The company is Mekorot, Israel's national water company. Mekorot’s three main goals in water reclamation for agriculture:

1. To divert more fresh water to households, in the context of the national water crisis.

2. To increase the quantity of water available for agriculture, while ensuring economic viability for farmers.

3. To protect the environment by reducing the ecological damage caused by untreated wastewater. High-quality treatment and reuse enable maintaining the ecological balance and reducing groundwater contamination.

Well on their way to becoming #1 in the world in both the volume and quality of effluent reuse; the company's leaders have invested in R&D together with organisations across the globe. They are not keeping their secrets to themselves and engage in knowledge-sharing internationally.

Naturally, the participants of our Environmental Management and Integrated Water Resources Management programmes visit Mekorot to hear first-hand about their projects, practical solutions and future goals. In our Agriculture programmes, some of the on-site demonstrations include wastewater treatment and reuse.

Let us take you on an eye-opening journey through Mekorot's activities and other impressive advancements. You may visit our centre page for more information.


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