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14/06/2023 | Dr. Joseph Shevel meets up with a GIMI alumni in Hungary

14/06/2023 | Dr. Joseph Shevel meets up with a GIMI alumni in Hungary

Dr. Joseph Shevel recently met with Dr. Tibor Babos, a graduate of the Galilee Institute's national security programme, in Budapest. Dr. Babos, a former Brigadier General in the Hungarian Army, representative of the Hungarian Army at NATO headquarters in Brussels and director of a research institute at a leading Hungarian university, discussed a potential joint programme on regional security with Dr Shevel.

The programme aims to examine the interrelations between the Middle East and the Ukraine crisis and would be held partially at Galilee Institute in Israel and partially at the Hungarian University.

This reunion highlights the strong connections formed through the Galilee Institute's alumni network and their commitment to advancing knowledge in critical global issues.


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