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Tailor-Made Options - Range of topics in the Agriculture and Water Sector

Tailor-Made Options - Range of topics in the Agriculture and Water Sector

Organisations have the option of choosing training tailored to their specific needs. Tailor-made programmes are appropriate for organisations with specific goals, as they can also be oriented towards implementation.


Request a personalised quote for your organisation - Agriculture



Request a personalised quote for your organisation - Water



Our academic Programme design department, will be happy to provide you with a quote for training, tailored to the specific needs of your organisation, on the topics of your choice from the following (non-exhaustive) list:

List of topics:

  • Advanced Irrigation Solutions
  • Horticulture Yield Improvement
  • Intensive Vegetable Production
  • Food Loss Prevention
  • Food Security - Post Harvest Technology
  • Dairy Technology/Farm Management
  • Agribusiness & Entrepreneurship
  • Marketing Strategy and Business Plan Financials
  • Aquaculture
  • Poultry Management
  • Precision Agriculture
  • Cyber for Agriculture Organisations
  • Organic Agriculture
  • Training of Trainers (TOT)
  • Global Warming Effect & Water Scarcity
  • Water Consumption
  • Natural Water Resources
  • Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM)
  • Desalination
  • Economic Tools for Water Management
  • Sewage Treatment and Effluents Reuse
  • Urban Water Supply and Wastewater Services
  • Ensuring Water Quality
  • International Water Management
  • Management of a Regional Water Economy
  • Threat Potential and Reference Scenarios
  • Water Emergencies Management - the National Level
  • Water Emergencies Management - the Local Authority Level
  • Cyber Security in Water Management


Once you have submitted your request a GIMI representative will be in contact with you to discuss in detail the terms of your on demand programme project.



Full Calendar

20 November - 3 December, 2024

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