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25/03/2019 | MoU signed between GIMI and Karatina University, Central Kenya

25/03/2019 | MoU signed between GIMI and Karatina University, Central Kenya

Vice Chancellor Prof. Mucai Muchiri invited Dr. Joseph Shevel to Karatina University to deliver a lecture to all the Deans and to discuss further collaboration. Prof. Mucai Muchiri is a graduate of GIMI's Management of Higher Education Programme, 2013. An MoU between Karatina University and GIMI was signed for a joint programme on educational leadership. Dr. Shevel was also pleased to meet up with Prof. Peninah Aloo Obudho, Deputy VC, another Higher Education Graduate from 2018.

In the photos: Dr. Shevel with the Leadership of Karatina University

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