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01/02/2016 | Integrated Crop and Water Management Training Programme developed for the Irrigation and Water Resource Management Project, Nepal

01/02/2016 | Integrated Crop and Water Management Training Programme developed for the Irrigation and Water Resource Management Project, Nepal

In February technicians and officials from the Irrigation and Water Resource Management Project (IWRMP), Nepal attended a customised Integrated Crop and Water Management Training Programme at the Centre for Agriculture, Environment and Water at Galilee Institute.
Participants were exposed to the latest in Israeli crop production and water management technology, met with irrigation and crop production professionals and experts and attended lectures and study tours as well as a practical irrigation workshop facilitated by Galilee Institute’s Academic Director for Agriculture, Mr. Shlomo Sasson.

Mr. Shlomo Sasson lectures in front of IWRMP group memebers

The participants during a practical irrigation workshop

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